Welcome To Visuals and Verbals

Artwork & Writings of John William Brown
Painter, Poet, Dramatist and Performer

Thursday, 2 May 2013

...end of days

...end of days

in the making of great ways
in the darkness of crude times
in the coming of new slaves
this will be the end of days

playing with what we could do
to avoid our chatter games
empty twitter tunes and shame
this will be the end of days

playing to avoid our shame
in new empty chatter games
making darkness in crude times
this will be the end of days

to avoid what we could do
playing empty tunes and games
with our twitter chatter shame
this will be the end of days

in the coming of great times
in the making of new slaves
in the darkness of crude ways
this will be the end of days

Poem "...end of days" from "The Last Book" (2013)  © john william brown 2013.
Drawing "Remember Afghanistan" (1980)  © john william brown 2013.