Welcome To Visuals and Verbals

Artwork & Writings of John William Brown
Painter, Poet, Dramatist and Performer

Tuesday, 15 May 2012


                                                    Illustration 'Black Dragonfly © JWB 2012 

black dragonfly

I saw a black dragonfly in flight yesterday 
today that dragon fly is probably dead

for consumer societies to effectively work
ideas of uniqueness must be corrupted

I saw a black dragonfly    its body dark blue
one grey-white patch on each fine black wing

each societal clone must believe itself special
whilst its creative expression is insidiously eroded

I saw a black dragonfly    completely alone
my awe and awareness    qualitative    pointless

each society member made to feel alienated
will believe it is free making quantitative choices

I saw a black dragonfly     I reached out my hand
I wanted to feel it land on my palm

no one must know that more progress will express
more fear    and defeat    and increased isolation

I reach out my words    want you to touch them
this poem is as dangerous as a black dragonfly

written  03-06 June 2009
Poem 'Black Dragonfly © JWB 2014

Video of jwb reading 'black dragonfly''© JWB 2012 
cut and paste this link in your browser / search engine



a bludgeoning reality
nothing more

dead dogs
divine temples


an estranged
in which
exotic memories
drawn away

amber fort
wind palace
vivid pollen green
a water palace view

brought to nothing
quickly disappearing

overcrowded frantic streets
an urban and
bucolic vibrancy
and colourful clothes

jaipur sunset

bad water

blood on the streets

I thought
my heart was opening

today it closed
I made excuses

June 6-7 2005

"Jaipur Sunset" - Oil painting 2005 (c) jwb 2012
"Jaipur Sunset" - Poem (c) jwb 2012 
From the unpublished: “Exile Quartet” 
1972-2008 [Part 4: 'Return to Exile']